Read these 24 Health Benefits of Water Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Water Filter tips and hundreds of other topics.
Keeping your skin healthy doesn't require expensive lotions and treatments. Treat your skin to these clear skin habits to ensure a healthy glow for years to come.
1. There's a reason that water is listed high on in any grouping of clear skin tips. The hydration benefits all organs in your body including the largest organ - your skin. To keep your skin clear and healthy from the inside, drink at least 8 cups of water every day.
2. Keep your skin moisturized and protected from the sun. Fortunately, many skin care companies are now adding sun block to their moisturizers, meaning that you can treat your skin to both of these essential creams in one easy step.
Small changes in the amount of water in your body can make a big difference. The average amount of water lost per day includes: Two cups through breathing, two cups through invisible perspiration, six cups through elimination. More water could also be lost through exercise or hard work, excessively dry air, as well as alcohol and caffeine consumption.
While no substitute for brushing, flossing and traditional mouthwash, swishing with water can help you clean your teeth in a pinch. Swish or gargle with water after a meal or a snack to loosen any food particles that may be stuck in your teeth. This water health tip can also improve your breath.
As dehydration increases, signs and symptoms develop. These signs include: thirst, sunken eyes, absence of tears when crying vigorously, restless or irritable behavior. Once dehydration reaches early or mild dehydration there become more obvious signs, such as flushed face, dry or warm skin, urine is strong smelling and dark yellow, dizziness, weakness, and headaches. Then if dehydration grows to moderate or severe the warning signs include: low blood pressure, fainting, convulsions, bloated stomach, fast, weak pulse, skin's loss of firmness, and heart failure.
We know the benefits of drinking water, but many people ask, "How much water should I drink" A common response is that we should drink 8-ounce glasses every day. As long as we get water from fruits and vegetables as well, about 4-8 cups a day is fine. However, the overweight person needs one additional glass for every 25 pounds of excess weight. The amount you drink also should be increased if you exercise briskly or if the weather is hot and dry.
Put the water-health connection to work for you and your weight loss plan. Staying hydrated ensures that your organs can work optimally. This increases your metabolism, allowing you to burn more fat. Although the standard water health recommendation is eight 8-ounce glasses per day, exercise and warm weather can increase your requirements. Additionally, for every extra 25 pounds you carry, you should plan on guzzling an extra 8 ounces.
Here's a perfect example of how water and health are connected...and how water consumption can affect your weight loss program. Your kidneys can't function properly without enough water. When they don't work to capacity, some of their work is transferred onto the liver. One of the liver's primary functions is to metabolize stored fat into usable energy for the body. But if the liver has to do some of the kidney's work, it metabolizes less fat more fat remains stored in the body and weight loss stops.
A large part of our body's energy comes from a compound called ATP, Adenosine-Tri-Phosphate, which is produced during the osmotic flow of water through the cell membrane to generate hydroelectric energy. ATP is then stored in energy pools and used as chemical energy in our body. The mineral content of our body fluids and the absence of contaminants create the proper environment for this natural energy production.
One health benefit of water is that it can treat headaches at the source. Pills and other medications only mask the symptoms, leaving you open to further headaches in the near future. Dehydration is a major contributor to many headaches. Whether a headache is directly related to stress, fatique or other problems, drinking water can greatly reduce the severity of the headache. When your body is properly hydrated, you'll think more clearly, your headache will be eased, and you'll be better able to deal with any sources of stress.
Water should is best drunk at room temperature, as it is less of a shock to your system. However, there is evidence that drinking cold or ice water burns more calories, as the body has to speed up its functions in order to bring the water's temperature back down to normal body temperature. To utilize water most efficiently during weight loss, follow this schedule: In the morning, drink one quart in a 30-minute period. At noon, repeat. In the evening, drink one quart between five and six o'clock.
Most hikers and campers know to never drink directly from an outdoor water source. Even clear streams and lakes can contain viruses and other harmful contaminants. However, outdoor activities require adequate hydration and it isn't always practical to carry all of your water with you. A lightweight option for backpackers who want to treat water while in the outdoors is the water bottle filter. This device attaches to your water bottle for easy treatment of outdoor water sources. Look for water bottle filters in your camping supply store. Be sure to bring the water bottle you prefer to the store to make sure you get the perfect fit.
There are plenty of health benefits of water. Drinking from four to eight cups a day is a very good idea. As we age, many of us grow less sensitive to losses of body water and don't drink when we should. Developing a water habit is a good precaution against dehydration. In addition, researchers have good evidence that people who develop kidney stones can lower their risk of further problems by drinking more fluids.
Making a commitment to health means making a commitment to drink more water. If you're having a hard time getting those eight 8-ounce glasses in every day, try these tips for water health.
1. Add flavor with a slice of lemon or lime.
2. Cut out caffeinated beverages such as cola and coffee that can dehydrate you.
3. Carry a water bottle with you. Refill your bottle with filtered water from the tap to reduce costs.
4. Drink a glass of water before each meal. This will also lessen your appetite, helping you keep to your calorie limits.
One of the health benefits of drinking water is that it can help relieve constipation. When the body gets too little water, it takes what it needs from other internal sources. The colon is one primary source. The resulting affliction is constipation. However, there is hope. Drinking more water returns fluids to the depleted sources like the colon. When you drink enough water, normal bowel function usually returns.
A common water health myth is that drinking water before exercise will cause cramps. This is not true. In fact, drinking water before, during and after exercise can greatly enhance your performance. After your workout, use your glass of water to wash down some potassium. Potassium, found in bananas and other foods, promotes fluid and electrolyte balance and can help keep your post-exercise muscles from cramping.
When dealing with stress, it's important to take care of yourself physically as well as mentally. If your body is not well maintained, you will have fewer defenses to the ill effects of stress. When we experience stress, dehydration occurs. Drinking water and health, then, are intricately related. Water is one of the major components of our bodies, so when we work harder, we lose fluid. Dehydration can lead to a shrinkage of the brain, so it's vital to increase water intake to decrease the stress on our bodies...and our minds!
In the May 1, 2002 American Journal of Epidemiology the findings of a study were released that prove the heart-healthy benefits of drinking water. The six-year study found that women who drank more than five glasses of water a day were 41% less likely to die from a heart attack during the study period than those who drank less than two glasses. The protective effect of water was even greater in men.
Water is pure liquid refreshment and accounts for a large percentage of what makes each of us "human." The average 150 lb. adult body contains 40 to 50 quarts of water. Almost 2/3rds of our body weight is "water weight." Blood is 83% water. Muscles are 75% water. The brain is 74% water. Bone is 22% water. Replacing lost water is essential to keep you !
Keeping well hydrated can lower your risk of heart disease by up to 60 percent. To get the full benefits of water on your heart health, drink at least five glasses of water every day and be sure to get water through other sources - such as juicy fruits - as well.
If you ever needed another reason to drink fresh, clean water, here's one big one: In the past 100 years, life expectancy has increased by more than 30 years. A large portion of the credit goes to advancements in cleaner public water, according to Jeffrey Griffiths, MD, of Tufts University School of Medicine. Over the years we have taken more steps to clean our water supply, which affects the food we grow. Also wastewater management has improved over the last century. All of this adds up to a longer, healthier life.
Don't let fear of overhydration keep you from developing water health habits. Normally healthy people rarely drink enough water to become overhydrated. If you suffer from kidney problems you're at a greater risk. You can keep yourself safe by drinking no more than 2 quarts of water per day.
Athletes who train for endurance events such as marathons can avoid overhydration by drinking water at multiple points throughout their event. Waiting until the last part of the race to drink a large quantity of water can lead to overhydration.
Although some people are concerned about flouride being added to water, water flouridation has led to a decrease in tooth decay. For this reason, it's important to check water health filters to see if they filter out flouride. Some experts believe that children who drink only bottled water are at a dental disadvantage because they don't get the flouride that other kids get. Bottled water companies are addressing this issue by offering kid-sized bottled water with added flouride. Get the same result at home by using a filter that keeps the flouride in your water.
Over 90 percent of U.S. Drinking water is treated with chlorine. This treatment removes bacteria that lead to many diseases including dystenery, typhoid fever and cholera. Unfortunately, several recent studies have discovered links between chlorine and cancer. Although relationship between chlorine and cancer risk isn't significant enough to stop the practice of adding chlorine to public drinking water, it is enough to cause concern.
To reduce the risk of cancer from chlorinated drinking water, choose a charcoal water bottle filter. Charcoal water filters can reduce the carcinogens you consume from your tap water.
If you're feeling lethargic, dizzy, lightheaded, or have a headache, it might be that you aren't drinking enough water. These symptoms of dehydration can occur when your body is as little as 1 to 2 percent dehydrated. At this early stage of dehydration, you may not even feel the first twinges of thirst. The average person requires between 8 and 10 cups of water per day just to replace fluids lost by normal sedate activities. To enjoy the health benefits of water, drink it regularly throughout the day.
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